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8 Important Lessons I Learned in 2018

Important Lessons I Learned in 2018

Important Lessons I Learned in 2018

2018 was an important year full of achievements, failures, and milestones. Whether it was college graduation, moving to a new city, starting my marketing career, or creating a brand, a lot happened this past year.

2018 was by far one of the most important years of my life, and several lessons were learned from my experiences. Although there were many more, listed below are eight important lessons I learned in 2018. 

8 Important Lessons I Learned in 2018

1. Always “Trust the Process”

This motto has become cliche to many, but I live by it. “Trusting the process” has many interpretations, but to me it means focusing more on the long term plan instead of short term outcomes.

This is much easier said than done and a ton of patience is required. Through all of my experiences, I’ve learned that you can’t let mistakes, flaws, or failures hold you back. 

My long term aspirations sometimes change, but sticking to a well-grounded plan to accomplish long term goals is what “trusting the process” is all about. 

2. Productivity is Huge

Assuming that we only have 16-18 hours per day we’re awake, it’s critical to use your time wisely. Especially when work consumes around 8-10 hours a day for most.

Towards the end of 2018 I figured out that making productive use of my time has helped me grow tremendously. Building this brand, learning new skills, improving professionally, and attending networking events/workshops are all examples of how I’ve been using my time lately.

I’ve spent much less time with Netflix and video games and now spend more time focusing on aspects that will continually improve myself.

3. Network, Network, Network

Networking is a common theme throughout this blog, and I’ve done that for a reason. The importance of meeting other professionals and just people in general can’t be underestimated.

Networking opened so many doors for me in 2018. I’m certain I would not have the experiences, opportunities, or great connections I have today without going out of my way to meet people.

I made networking a priority in 2018 and plan on connecting with even more people in 2019.

4. Focus More on Yourself

No I’m not encouraging selfishness and dismissing everyone around you. But I do recommend to allocate more focus towards your professional development, career ambitions, and improving your personal brand.

In a previous article I explained the importance of investing in yourself and what it all entails. In 2018 I decided to focus a lot on myself and shaping my future.

2019 should be no different for me in this aspect, and I’m looking forward for what’s to come.

5. Surround Yourself with Driven Individuals

This lesson proved to be a big one for me last year. The list of driven individuals I’ve stayed in contact with is too long to include everyone, but you know who you are if you’re reading this.

I was fortunate enough to develop strong relationships last year with motivated individuals from my business fraternity at UNI (Pi Sigma Epsilon) and have grown professionally as a result.

Understand that who you hang out with really impacts your own work ethic and how you approach life. 

6. Critics Will Always Exist

Regardless of what you do or what you’ve accomplished, understand there will always be someone there to criticize you or your work.

Constructive criticism is important of course and sometimes needed, but at some point you have to tune people out and stop caring about what others think. 

It’s impossible to please everyone in your life, so don’t let critics get in the way of accomplishing your goals. 

7. Be Grateful 

Showing gratitude is something I need to do more often. My family, close friends, and former employers have all gone out of their way to make my life better.

I’m extremely thankful and blessed to be in the situation I am in today. An important goal of mine for 2019 is to start reaching out more to those who have improved my quality of life. Showing gratitude to individuals in my inner circle will be a priority this year.

8. Every Day is a New Day

Instead of “new year, new me” I’ve started to take a day by day approach. It’s guaranteed that you will have good days, and you will have bad days.

So one of my goals for 2019 is to wake up every day with a positive mindset, and make the most out of it. You would be amazed how much can be accomplished in one day with the right mindset.

Don’t let a bad day hold you back and get in the way of goals you want to accomplish. 

Important Lessons I Learned in 2018

Image by Tony Simons

“Sticking to a well-grounded plan to accomplish long term goals is what trusting the process is all about.”

Final Take

Looking back, 2018 was a huge year for me. This was arguably the most important year of my life so far, and learning these eight lessons has helped me grow as a young professional.

I’m stoked for what 2019 has to offer and I’m certain I will make the most out of every opportunity. Happy New Year to everyone!